Baking Soda Shampoo
Filtered Water
An empty container - I use an old shampoo bottle
Baking Soda
Measuring Cup
1 Funnel
Approx. Ratio for the Recipe:
1 tablespoon baking soda
1 cup water
OR make a paste with baking soda and a small amount of water and store in an old lotion tub. Just rinse thoroughly if you make a paste.
The ratio for this recipe is flexible - there's really no right or wrong way to do it. Add more baking soda if your hair is thick and long, and less if it's short and thin. I use a little bit more, because my hair is so thick and long. So, for a 32 ounce container, I use 5 tablespoons of Baking Soda and 4 cups of cool water. I use the funnel to get the water and baking soda into the container. I've used warm water before (so I could use the shampoo right away and it wouldn't be cold), but warm to hot water causes the baking soda to break down and clump, rendering it ineffective.
It's so easy! Takes me about 5 minutes to complete it.
I take the bottle, flip my head upside down, and squirt the shampoo onto my scalp (the mixture is usually colder than room temperature, so it's COLD to just pour on the scalp, which I why I flip my head over!).
Then, I take my fingers and rub my scalp in a circular motion, adding more shampoo if it feels like I need it, and rinse very thoroughly.
It's very important to rinse thoroughly or your hair will feel grainy and dry.
Make the recipe with cool to lukewarm water, but not warm or hot. Warm/hot water reacts with the baking soda and causes it to clump up.
Apple Cider Vinegar Conditioner
Empty container (I use an empty vinegar bottle)
Measuring cup
Apple Cider Vinegar (can get at the grocery store in the oil and vinegar aisle)
Ratio for the conditioner is one tablespoon Apple Cider Vinegar to one cup of filtered water. My hair is so dry, thick and long that I use a lot more and it works wonders for my hair - about 1 cup ACV with 1 cup water.
I shied away from using this as a conditioner for a long time because as I used it in the shower, my hair did not feel soft and silky like it did with commercial conditioners, so I thought it wasn't working. Then, I bit the bullet and decided to try it without any commercial conditioner just to see what would happen. The result? After my hair dried (and I ignored that it didn't feel soft while wet), it was softer and smoother than when I had used commercial conditioner! I was amazed and now I'm HOOKED.
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