20 Mule Team Borax Detergent Booster & Purex Crystals
First, the 20 Mule Team Borax Detergent Booster & Multi-Purpose Household Cleaner
Uses: Baby Clothes, Laundry Stains, Toilet Bowls, Garbage Disposals & Drains Bathroom Cleaning & Deodorizing, Kitchen Cleaning & Deodorizing, Delicates, Hard Water, Carpets & Rugs, Dishwasher. This box of Borax goes back to my childhood and works quite fabulous on all listed!!

These are my Coupons to purchase the scent I wanted.
Next is The Purex Crystals Long-Lasting Freshness Natural Formula 90 percent natural
I purchased Fresh Spring Waters, you just add it to the start of the wash. I love this scent, it smells so fresh and pretty and is long lasting. Has a convenient snap lid and pour spout inside of a measuring cup lid. The crystals in my fresh spring waters are a pretty blue and ummmmm do they smell great!

I Highly Recommend these products!!