My Cast Iron Skillet From cleaning to seasoning
My skillet was really really bad (like rusty bad) So what I did was sprayed oven cleaner on both the inside and the outside and put the skillet into a trash bag and sealed it. I let stay for 24 hours. I repeated putting the oven cleaner on it and again sealed in bag for another 24 hours.
Remove skillet from trash bag and I used a sponge with the scratcher that you can use on teflon skillets and washed really well. DO NOT USE SOAP! After rinsing well, you may notice some spots that you might have missed so with that, I reapplied oven cleaner, let set for few minutes then rinsed and dried the skillet.
I preheated my oven to 200 degrees and set my timer for 15 minutes. Remove skillet and I coated my skillet with Olive Oil both on inside and outside. Wipe all of oil off with a clean lint free cloth.
Put skillet back into the oven that you increase temp to 350 degrees for 30 minutes. Remove skillet and wipe out any oil that is visible. Place back into oven and set to 400 degrees for 30 more minutes. Once again removed and wipe away any extra oil. Increase oven temp to 450 degrees and and leave 30-60 minutes. I left mine for right at 45 minutes.
Turn oven off but DO NOT REMOVE THE SKILLET!!!!! Leave skillet in oven this will allow it to cool down slowly and you will avoid getting any cracks. I was told that by varying the tempatures slowly you will get a much more smoother surface and the darker the skillet will be.
My Cast Iron Skillet From cleaning to seasoning
My skillet was really really bad (like rusty bad) So what I did was sprayed oven cleaner on both the inside and the outside and put the skillet into a trash bag and sealed it. I let stay for 24 hours. I repeated putting the oven cleaner on it and again sealed in bag for another 24 hours.
Remove skillet from trash bag and I used a sponge with the scratcher that you can use on teflon skillets and washed really well. DO NOT USE SOAP! After rinsing well, you may notice some spots that you might have missed so with that, I reapplied oven cleaner, let set for few minutes then rinsed and dried the skillet.
I preheated my oven to 200 degrees and set my timer for 15 minutes. Remove skillet and I coated my skillet with Olive Oil both on inside and outside. Wipe all of oil off with a clean lint free cloth.
Put skillet back into the oven that you increase temp to 350 degrees for 30 minutes. Remove skillet and wipe out any oil that is visible. Place back into oven and set to 400 degrees for 30 more minutes. Once again removed and wipe away any extra oil. Increase oven temp to 450 degrees and and leave 30-60 minutes. I left mine for right at 45 minutes.
Turn oven off but DO NOT REMOVE THE SKILLET!!!!! Leave skillet in oven this will allow it to cool down slowly and you will avoid getting any cracks. I was told that by varying the tempatures slowly you will get a much more smoother surface and the darker the skillet will be.